8 Tips to Help You Stick with the Process and Build Better Sleep Habits

8 Tips to Help You Stick with the Process and Build Better Sleep Habits


We all experience a rough night of sleep here or there. Major life changes or events (like a job loss, death of someone close, or illness) can interrupt sleep for a season. But chances are, the habits and patterns keeping you awake night after night have been a part of your life for months—or years. 


The solution will take time, too. But with the right plan, the right strategies, and a commitment to take the steps, sleep can be your superpower!


I share the 7 Proven Sleep Strategies in my book Nobody’s Sleeping. And my course, SLEEP NOW, walks you through how to uncover what’s stealing your sleep and use the strategies to create your own sleep plan.


Building new habits takes time and consistency. Here are 8 tips to help you stick with it, even when the going gets tough:


  • Tie your new habit to something you already do. If you want to build a new habit of taking an evening walk, try putting your walking shoes on before you do the dinner dishes. Then, you’ll be ready to walk as soon as the dishes are done.

  • Use technology for good. Smartphones aren’t all bad. Use settings like “focus” and “bedtime” to turn off notifications and apps that distract you — ideally an hour before your bedtime.

  • Focus on the reward. Answer these questions and name why you want better sleep. How is your lack of sleep holding you back? What could your life look like when you consistently get good sleep? Would you have more energy to play with your kids? Better productivity at work? A healthier weight? Less anxiety or stress? Write down why you want better sleep. Then stick it on your mirror or by the coffee maker… someplace you’ll see it every day. And when a tough day comes, remember your why.

  • Keep it simple. You don’t have to change everything at once or use every tool. The best plans are simple. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with the 1st strategy: Keep a Sleep Journal and Schedule Your Sleep so you can get 7–8 hours each night.

  • Make a Yes! list. Creating new habits often feels like a long list of things you can’t do. Turn it around and give yourself a YES list. Leadership expert Sabrina Nawaz suggests making a list of 3–5 things you can do, then celebrate when you stick to your Yes! 


Instead of telling yourself you can’t watch TV in bed, you can say yes to reading a book or flipping through your favorite magazine. Instead of focusing on the glass of wine you can’t have, focus on saying YES to foods and drinks that will prepare your body for sleep. Look at your sleep plan and turn it into a Yes! list.


  • Find a friend. Having a friend on the journey with you can be a great motivator and encouragement. Share the hard days and celebrate your wins… together. 

  • Be patient. New habits take 60 to 90 days to become routine. Better sleep may take 4–6 weeks. You don’t need to be perfect, but strive to be consistent.

  • Take it one night at a time. All you have to do is use your tools today.


We want sleep to be like a switch we can flip, but our bodies don’t work that way. Stick with it, my friend. Because when you transform your sleep, you transform your life.


To learn how to use the 7 Proven Sleep Strategies to transform your sleep, check out my online course: SLEEP NOW. 


“Yes List” Source: https://hbr.org/2017/02/break-bad-habits-with-a-simple-checklist https://www.forbes.com/sites/sabinanawaz/2020/11/09/habit-hacks-make-good-ones-break-bad-ones-and-save-time-with-these-6-steps/?sh=265b32fa54a5 

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